Monday, August 25, 2008

No, this isn't a picture from 1950. This is Julie's backyard, 2008. Those are cloth diapers on a clothesline! We have come full circle.
As you can see, there was a dangerous situation after the floors were finished - a big hole one could fall in. Jeremy and Tom put up a safety railing. Add a gate and Eva will have a safe area.

After the reunion, we were back in Seattle. Julie and Eva took a little break from the paint job in the new upstairs rooms.
Eva went to her first Train Reunion and drove the tractor ! She was a happy girl the whole day!

Tom and His sisters, Sue and Gail on the tractor.
The family picture on the hay wagon!
I presented my research on the Train Family - 8 months of work. A story of Swedish Immigrants homesteading in Kansas.
Salmon done over an open fire, wired onto a grill, Indian Style!

Gouda, Muetchli, Jalapena,Farmstad......
Uncle George's contented Cows!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

We are about ready to pour. I'm told it will be 12 trucks arriving 20 minutes apart. Poor neighbors!

apt party in the kitchen, Peter and Breanne
Little back door, outside tiny space for plants
Old hardwood floors, 1920 fireplace, nice closet in the living room
Front door is so nice with the bouganville outside
Peter's new apt in Hollywood!
His gate to his tiny front patio that he shares with the neighbor.