Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday afternoon, after Church. Sadie and I just couldn't help ourselves, it is time to dive into Christmas Decor!!
Here are a couple of pictures of the Carnival Splendor as it is towed into port in San Diego. About 7:30 in the morning.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Katelyn Freise arrived on Oct 10, 2010 - she is a 10-10-10 baby! Eva loves her 'baby sister'. It was great to be with them for 3 whole weeks.

We ended the trip in St. Louis, looking in cemetaries for Tom's family members. This is Tom's father and grandparents grave. Guess what? There is one open spot in the plot - to be used by bloodline descendent only. I guess it's yours Tom.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

This my new best friend, Evelyn Sandy, from Dallas, Texas. She is one of Angela's old Sorority Sisters - who helped solve the case. I'm looking forward to spending more time with her!
Just a few summer activities. July 4th parade with Grandchildren. Jeanne, Sadie, and cousin Erica in the canoe. Peter and Hayden talking to the barking seal out in front

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It was pajama day at school for Hayden!
Waiting for Hayden to get out of school - after their matching sneekers shopping trip
coming down the stairs from the guest room over the garage. Sadie has to have her bubble wrap with her at all times - pop!pop!pop!

Adding to the excitement of Heidi's birth the 28th of Feb, was the earthquake in Chile. This is my sea wall after the tide came in and went out 4 times in one hour - that's 7 minutes for it to come in and 7 minutes for it to retreat, sucking out all the sand. The small wall laying in the sand was pulled over and the sea wall that is standing is now exposed down to the timbers that framed it's foundation. We lost about 3 feet of sand!
We are adding improvements to the old house, hopefully it will attract a buyer.
Julie and Eva had to come for Heidi's Birth, Feb 28th!. Sadie and Eva mostly ignored the birth and had a good time together.